Take it all off the table?

I had a wonderful experience a few days ago in my business/financial life, and I realized it connected terrifically to the way I try to grow as an artist. As I believe I’ve mentioned before, I own a small business that staffs product demonstrations in addition to creating musical theater. I noticed that, due to… Continue reading Take it all off the table?

Scheduling up your Art

As I sit here in a coffee shop, I’m filled with excitement for my upcoming projects- over the next six months I am fortunate to be working as a creator/conceptualizer of new work, a director, a choreographer, a producer, and a performer. I’m reminded of that old adage about parties and vacations- sometimes the anticipation… Continue reading Scheduling up your Art

A Shameless Promotional Post!

Hi All! This is a shameless promotional post for a project I’m currently developing in NYC! I’ve recently launched an IndieGoGo campaign for a project I’m doing, called “Ephemera”. It’s a piece of dance theater with an original score, and I’m really hoping to do a workshop of it sometime this summer.    I’ve been… Continue reading A Shameless Promotional Post!

Raising Your Standards!

This blog post was originally written for, and published on, The Green Room Blog. Check it out at Greenroomblog.com! Raising Your Standards:  A few months ago, I worked on a theater project that involved some very established musical theater folk. This was a wonderful project on many levels, as the material, energy in the room,… Continue reading Raising Your Standards!

Treadmill days

For most of us, there is a list of tasks that, when combined, become the bare minimum of what’s required in a week for healthy adult functioning. For instance, in addition to working at the job that takes care of you financially, you probably spend some portion of your week cookinging some food/eating healthfully, take… Continue reading Treadmill days

Supporting the efforts of awesome people, take 1

Hi All,  Quick Sunday evening post from me this evening, as I’m still knee deep in taxes and other early April goodness. However, I realized that I wanted to share my friend Amanda’s ROAR 2 video on my blog for some time. Amanda’s a great musical theater performer who, like so many of us, has… Continue reading Supporting the efforts of awesome people, take 1