If you’re anything like me, you might start a day full of energy, especially a day that’s been left mostly to your own devices. If you work a standard job, this might be a weekend day, or a day that you simply have free of meetings, and the ability to structure work accordingly. Or, you… Continue reading Making Time for Big Dreams
Author: Avital Asuleen
Talk is Cheap- Take Action!
The subtitle of this Blog post is “Look, I made a Hat!”. I don’t throw around musical theater jokes too much in my writing, but sometimes, you have to honor yourself! For those of you who know me personally, or who know me professionally, you know that I recently developed a new piece of non-profit… Continue reading Talk is Cheap- Take Action!
Artists and Debt
Alright guys. Here’s a meaty one. So. I have a pretty hard stance on Artists and Debt. There’s a great Blog out there called Mr. Money Moustache (if you don’t know who he is, look him up, and read him, he’s terrific) that basically tells its readers to “get rid of debt like your hair… Continue reading Artists and Debt
Rule #4: Creating Apprenticeships
A while back, I wrote a post titled “Looking for better odds”. It’s sort of the guideline post of this blog. In the post, I write about 10 career/strategic rules that I attempt to work with in my professional life. This is an expansion on rule number 4. In the arts, it’s very easy to… Continue reading Rule #4: Creating Apprenticeships
Long term Goal Setting for Artists
In many ways, I believe an artist needs to manage his or her time like a CEO. This is hard. If you have a job that involves, let’s say, data entry from 10-6PM, you’ve got a VERY clear cut idea of what needs to happen each day. You go sit at your desk, you enter… Continue reading Long term Goal Setting for Artists
A Normal Day
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a dear friend about wearing 5 inch stiletto heels in Manhattan. Now, I’m usually wearing the same pair of multipurpose orthopedic walking boots wherever I go- if you know me in person, you’ve definitely seen me in them. I’ll wear them to a Broadway show, out running errands, or… Continue reading A Normal Day
Chosing to work a little bit more OR drops in the bucket
Today, I had the opportunity to substitute teach at a dance studio in Brooklyn (Thanks L!). I wasn’t sure if I wanted it. After all, I had more than enough on my plate for the day, and I could have easily just gone to the gym and gone home. But a little voice (the voice… Continue reading Chosing to work a little bit more OR drops in the bucket
Setbacks and Advancements
This has been a strange week for me, professionally- my apologies for not writing more. I was fired from my next project, for reasons that are still largely unknown. On the flip side, I had a few wonderfully productive swing dance sessions, worked on a new piece of choreography, and launched The Choreography Lab in… Continue reading Setbacks and Advancements
The Insane Pile of Work
How do you deal with The Insane Pile of Work? As a Freelance Artist/Small Business Owner/Project Coordinator/Grant Writer, I actually have three or four jobs that could each easily be full time jobs. Every time I meet with the Artistic Director of the theater company that I write grants for, I’m struck by the fact… Continue reading The Insane Pile of Work
Artists and Weddings
So, you’re trying to be more strategic with your money. You’ve stopped eating out as much, you managed not to splurge at Lululemon when that sports bra you’ve been eying went on sale, even though you really could use a new sports bra, you’ve made lots of little positive changes, and you’ve managed to save… Continue reading Artists and Weddings